Do you have frown lines between the eyebrows or creases across your forehead? Botox® works like magic! Did you know that Botox can also smooth away crow’s feet, and create a better eyebrow arch and eyebrow lift (like a brow lift)? Botox creates a generally more open, rested, youthful look – the “I’ve been on vacation for the past 2 weeks” kind of relaxed look. Just a few minutes is all it takes to complete your Botox® or other neurotoxin treatments (e.g. Dysport® and Xeomin®).
Amazingly, Botox is also a great treatment for migraines and similar types of recurrent or chronic headache conditions. Dr. Back has also helped many patients with TMJ syndrome with Botox. Botox can be used to help create a more oval shape to the face, curtail excessive armpit sweating, and many other issues. Click here to learn more!
Botox® Consultation
You will have a private, in-depth consultation with Dr. Back where he will review with you everything you want and need to know. After an examination, together you will discuss your goals and his recommendations. All the details of the procedure will be reviewed and you will also have ample time for questions. Typical “before & after” photos as examples are on hand as a part of this process.
Botox® Procedure
We like to use iced compresses before (and after) your treatment to minimize any swelling or bruising, which are typically minimal. An extremely tiny needle is used to inject Botox® into key areas. Botox® will initiate a relaxation of the very small muscles under the skin that research has proven to be the cause of all of the lines and folds. When the ‘true’ cause of these wrinkles begins to relax within days, your brighter, fresher look begins to emerge.
Botox® Recovery
Most patients will resume normal activities in hours without restrictions. Once results appear, 3-6 months is the typical duration of effectiveness.
Financing available – click here for details!
If you are interested in how Botox® in Cherry Hill can create a more youthful appearance, call (856) 751-7550 or click here to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Back today.
You could earn 200 Allē® Points on your Botox® treatment! Join our FREE Reward Program today! Earn every time you get treated so you can treat yourself! Click here!
Read Dr. Back’s article “Five Things You Should Know Before Having A Botox Treatment“
To read articles written by Dr. Back about Facial Procedures, click here!
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